Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fracture

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:

  1. Teppo LN Järvinen, professor1
  2. Karl Michaëlsson, professor2
  3. Jarkko Jokihaara, registrar3
  4. Gary S Collins, associate professor4
  5. Thomas L Perry, clinical assistant professor5
  6. Barbara Mintzes, senior lecturer6
  7. Vijaya Musini, assistant professor5
  8. Juan Erviti, head7
  9. Javier Gorricho, senior evaluation officer8
  10. James M Wright, professor5
  11. Harri Sievänen, research director9
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    Copyright © 2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
Drug treatment to prevent hip fracture is neither viable nor cost effective, argue researchers http://t.co/HnzD6GsrQU pic.twitter.com/dD300988R9

— BMJ (@bmj_company) Mayo 26, 2015